"I love me some of Phil’s Logan Bread! Paired with a cup of coffee, you can’t beat it." - Jeremy Johnson, Salt Lake City, Utah
"I love Logan Bread. I take one to work every morning and have it for breakfast. I don’t like to eat a heavy breakfast but I like some carbs and protein, and Logan Bread fits the bill! It’s a nice mix of healthy and hearty. Definitely glad I discovered it." - Cameron Hansen, Salt Lake City, Utah
"Logan Bread is fantastic. It’s hard to pick a favorite flavor combination because they’re uniquely exquisite. If I had to choose, it would be a tie between the Cranberry Cashew and the Blueberry Pumpkin. Logan Bread is perfect for people on the move because they’re small and have a remarkably long shelf life. But don’t let its size deceive you. One mini-loaf will satisfy your hunger and keep you energized for hours on end. These are a “must-have” for the outdoors enthusiast, the busy business person or the handyman around the house."
- Rob Cowart, Brooklin, Maine
"I was introduced to Phil’s Logan Bread on a recent trip to Lake Powell. I tried it both as a stand-alone breakfast bar as well as broken up with a little milk poured over it. It tasted great either way, although I really enjoyed it with a little milk. It is filling and gave me lots of energy. Since that trip, we try to keep a stock in our pantry. Love it!!" - Chris Sorensen, Heber, Utah